THIS FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME IS SITUATED ON THE VERY EDGE OF THIS POPULAR DEVELOPMENT ENJOYING VIEWS ACROSS SALARY BROOK ONTO OPEN COUNTRYSIDE. ACCESS Access to the property being made by a Upvc double glazed entrance door onto: ENTRANCE PORCH Further obscure door incorporating side light panelling onto: HALLWAY With polished wood style laminate flooring, understairs storage cupboard, radiator, coved and textured ceiling. GROUND FLOOR CLOAKROOM With obscure double glazed window to the side aspect, suite comprises low level wc, wash hand basin with tiled splashback over, polished wood style laminate flooring, radiator, textured ceiling. KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM 17' x 8' 5" (5.18m x 2.57m) With windows to the front and side aspects plus obscure glazed door also to the side aspect, a one and a half bowl stainless steel sink unit over a range of fitted base units extending to worksurfacing over with tiled splashbacks and eye level cabinets above, space for cooker, telephone point, radiator
Details :
- amenities: Storage,Patio/Deck
- bedrooms: 4
- condition: Resale
- currency: GBP
- price_display: £239,995
- seller_type: Agent/Broker